Save the Wild

Documentary Save the Wild

The loss of biodiversity is one of the world’s worst catastrophes - according to a UN report, about one million of the approximately ten million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. The three-part documentary series “Save the Wild” brings the diversity of wildlife in the wilderness closer with fascinating animal and landscape footage. It also shows the strategies that scientists, rangers and zoo staff around the world are using together to ensure the survival of endangered animals and to preserve their unique natural habitats. “Save the Wild” highlights the threat and beauty of these fragile paradises and shows ways to protect them.

All three films in the series build on each other. The first film, “The Ark Principle”, documents the breeding of endangered species in special protection zones: the Saiga antelope in Kazakhstan, the fire salamander in Germany and the black rhino in Namibia. The second documentary, “Mission Wilderness”, presents rescue operations for threatened animals in endangered zones. In the Romanian Carpathians, a protected area allows the reintroduction of brown bears, the KAZA Park in Zambia enables elephants and other animals to migrate in their former ranges and in Belize, coral reefs are saved from the invasive lionfish. The third film, “Paradise Salvation”, is set in established protected areas in Botswana, Poland and Belize, which are famous worldwide for their species richness and unique flora and fauna.


Broadcast premiere: 10, 11 and 12 July 2023 on arte
The Ark Principle
Mission Wilderness
Paradise Salvation


A co-production of
A series developed by
Eberhard Rühle
Michael Grotenhoff
Alix François Meier
Eberhard Rühle
Hervé Roesch
Excecutive Producers
Michael Grotenhoff
Alix François Meier
Eberhard Rühle
Supported by
Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée de la Région Grand Est
In collaboration with Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
World Sales
Albatross World Sales